Sunday, January 29, 2012

Seven months gone, by and by

Orienting myself was the most important

first step -- the only first step -- before

I started kicking the beige column on my front

porch, watching a black scuff mark



grow like the smoke

from my cigarette as the fire



burns, all these things will

disappear into the North Carolina

night with the ghosts who dance among

the wine and spirits of yesteryear.

Raleigh, NC


Monday, January 23, 2012


White paint covers
the graffiti
that used to
be on each wall of the men's restroom
at the coffeehouse where I studied
law and such.

A cold wind blows
down these empty
streets and through leaf-less trees in this town --
my town, alone and missing some-
one so much.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Big blue Texas sky, sun rise in the east, day break

Maybe I can drive you crazy
all the way
from Amarillo to Mexico
and then back, me singing bluegrass
songs and driving the old 1992 Black Bronco
and you kissing my ear --

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

She smiled, too

There's a girl who the furniture salesman speaks to
this morning -- maybe he, or maybe especially he,
wants coffee and sense of community at breakfast
and before work. Blue, brown, red and beige houses
are in the neighborhood across the street, visible only

because the bare, spiderweb-like trees
lost all their leaves. It is winter here,
(Now, don't forget to wear your coat!
she says as he gets up) so smoke climbs
up and out of chimneys and disappears into the big

Carolina-blue sky like a girl whispering truths
into an ear of a furniture salesman,
"and, by the way,
the grits down the street
are so
much better than the ones here."

Raleigh, NC