Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sound from the recording studio

Trumpet music spills
into this strange winter
heat and into the street

as I smoke a cigarette
and watch the smoke rise
and dance with the breeze

into the naked trees, catching
it like a dream catcher
dangling outside

a trading post in the desert
somewhere on I-40
all the way home.

Raleigh, NC

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Son of the West

I’m still getting used
to the the customs
of the Land. Today,

I was pleasantly
mistaken for a
Rhett, pleasantly.

Raleigh, NC

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Two, a couple, two-pointer in a college basket-ball game -- two chimneys

on the brick Catholic Diocese, Two blues musicians, playing

guitar and harmonica (and is that the Holy Ghost!?), praise be to everything

good. In my neighborhood, two scuff marks on beige columns

and two pretty girls, who live next door and two

brown leaves left on the tree (winter be

damned!), lingering bravely above a telephone wire, which is connected

to a pole and the rest of the world too, and two, on and on

and on.

Raleigh, NC


Monday, February 6, 2012

A Brand New Day

As the sun rises I eat
Cheerios by the window,

and next door the neighbor arrives
home from the night shift, working

as a nurse at the hospital
in the neonatal ward.

Raleigh, NC