Thursday, April 11, 2013

To Grow Their Wealth

There is this story about a young woman
who moved from San Francisco
to Edenton, North Carolina, in 1890. 

She was the wife of a wealthy banker, 
and for some reason there was an interest
in Edenton, of all places, for this semi-wealthy
couple to relocate to to expand and grow
their wealth.

Raleigh, NC
Jan. 2013

Enlightened Men

Tattered blue shirt, 
and navy-blue sweat pants–
a 10-inch knife hanging
out of the left pocket–
are worn by the fisherman. 

His black skin is as tough
as leather, seemingly sown 
onto his face, which has a tired 
expression, neither sad
nor happy, neither affirming
success nor affirming failure. 

He moves to park a moped
on the sidewalk by the coffee
house as he positions two fishing
poles and a bucket of tools, and 
I wonder how he drives 

all that stuff down the road, 
remembering that Jesus’s
disciples were fishermen, too. 

Raleigh, NC
Aril 11, 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

An Old Country

We live in an old country;
your mother's mother's mother

knew my mother's mother's

Scene: Arkansas County
debutante ball. Your mother's

mother's mother took a man and
mine went to California.