Wednesday, May 21, 2014


It may be futile to think about things
that I'll be thinking about in the future –
an idea has been conceived,
its contours will be explored and
written about at a designated time when

I have time to think thoughts on this academic
subject for which I must prioritize behind
the tasks and duties I must
complete and execute now. However,
these thoughts are on my mind now.

And so
I think these thoughts: my mind goes
wild – it is excited, though sober and contemplative,
as the cars busily drive down the boulevard. But
quickly these thoughts are halted, a cessation

of the thought, as the young woman
wearing a red and white striped shirt
sits in the chair near where I sit
outside the coffee house. She reads a book, and appears
young, but not statutorily too young. What can
I think about her that has not
already been thought? Little, I suppose,
but I think them nonetheless.

Raleigh, NC 5/21/2014

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