Friday, December 31, 2010


When I was young, I remember wondering

whether the Santa Ana River had he capacity

to become as mighty as the Mississippi.

As I stood atop Mt. Rubidoux,

the gully that separated Riverside

from Jurupa seemed wide enough,

having just read "The Adventures

of Huckleberry Finn" for the first time.

My imagination was good then.

And now, there’s a large white crane

towering over downtown in my hometown

near the watering hole where I drink

with friends after work, thinking they will build

something here. They will build something

here. They will build something here.


Riverside, CA

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

You'd be so nice to come home to

A thin-gray pipe lined the space between the ceiling and walls of the apartment. Steam precipitated out of the pipe and dark-green mold grew both a foot across the ceiling and down the wall. It was worm in the apartment. It was cold outside.

It was early December in Lucerne Valley, California.

The only furniture in the apartment was the dining-room table, four folding chairs around that table, a television and a stereo. The television was on top of a coffee table and the stereo was under that. A Nina Simone song played, “You’d be so nice to come home to ...” There was a fire in the kitchen. A flame burned high from a gas stove, the cook handling food in a pan, throwing spices and humming the tune. “You’d be so nice to come home to ...”

-- Apple Valley, CA

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Cronies, part 2

The hard part about moving on is leaving behind what was comfortable.

And to that same token, the hard part about coming back is getting reacquainted to what was once so comfortable, like that old corduroy blazer that's been sitting in the closet for four years while you were away getting an education at some fancy college.

Since I went to school at the fancy college only 25 miles away from home, I'm stuck somewhere inbetween, trying to remember what I did at home, how the old cronies who still live in Riverside get along, espcially now that all the interesting folks I met who discended upon Redlands from fancy places like San Francisco, Portland, New York and Los Angeles are all gone, having graduated, and reconciling too that I also must move on, leaving the Citrus Belt's sunshine, coffee houses and mountain ranges that I love and learned to appreciate as much as life itself.

As a young man thinking, that single sentence in the preceeding paragraph is my most dominate thought.

University of Redlands Armacost Library

The Cronies, part 1

It it weren’t for those illiterate


who drank whiskey and smoked

cigarettes on their mother’s time,

teaching me their trade, kicking

blues down the road, like a truck driver

on old Highway 395, then

I’d have not learned that a pauper

should never

ever say,

“Nay,” to whatever

comes his way.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

1954 via 2010

I believe only in the banana
sermon because today there's a Dodger-blue
sky in San Bernardino so

I'm not sorry I missed
Karouac's San Francisco --
salvation is as attainable

now as it was then, it's hard,
especially for an Angelino Buddha
looking up at Giants.

San Bernardino, CA

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Grading Californians

California voters, your Proposition test scores are back. And according to my completely-biased-and-arbitrary grading system, you performed much better than in 2008.

Great job!

But there's still a lot of room for improvement.

Before we get down to the grading, let's start with how my completely-biased-and-arbitrary grading system works. Each Proposition was given points on a grading scale, because each of the statewide measures was not created equal. Some were much more important than others.

For instance, part of the reason Californians failed so badly in 2008 was because they misfired on a 12-point proposition, regarding human rights with Prop. 8, while getting a 2-point question right, regarding chicken's rights with Prop. 2.

Correct answers for the propositions in the 2010 election were rewarded the following points:

A No to Prop. 19 (legalization of marijuana) was worth 2 points.

A Yes to Prop. 20 (Furthering the process of removing elected representatives from the process of drawing Congressional Districts) was worth 8 points.

A Yes to Prop. 21 (funding state parks via vehicle registration) was worth 4 points -- with the possibility of earning 2 bonus points based on sound reasoning.

A No to Prop. 22 (prohibiting California from borrowing or taking funds used for certain projects and local governments) was worth 7 points.

A No to Prop. 23 (suspending implementation of air pollution control law AB 32) was worth 10 points.

A No to Prop. 24 (rewriting tax law to repeal lower business tax liability) was worth 5 points.

A Yes to Prop. 25. (changing budget passage from 2/3rds supermajority to a simple majority) was worth 10 points.

A NO to Prop. 26. (requiring that certain state and local fees be approved by two-third vote in the state legislature) was worth 9 points.

A No to Prop. 27 (eliminating the state commission of redistricting) was worth 8 points -- with the possibility of earning 2 bonus points should Californians also get Prop. 20 right and not be confused by Prop. 27's redundancy.

So Californians were graded here on a 63-point base with the possibility of earning 4 bonus points. The traditional American public schooling grading system was used (A score of 90-100% earns an A- to an A+, an 80-89 percent earns a B- to a B+, and so on). And according to the LA Times' election results, Californians earned 47 points out of 63, giving them the grade of C with a 74.6%.

Californians earned points for their votes against Prop. 19, for Prop. 20, against Prop. 23, against Prop. 24, for Prop. 25 and for Prop. 27. Californians earned bonus points for Prop. 21* and for getting Props 20 and 27 right. Californians failed to earn points for their votes against Prop. 21*, for Prop. 22, and for Prop. 26.

*Obviously, I was for the passage of Prop. 21, even though it went against some of my basic principles of what I think state measures should be all about. What can I say? I like my state parks and they're in desperate need of a face lift. But voters should be prohibited from most decisions that deal with tax law or commit state funds to projects. The legislative and executive offices need flexibility to balance a budget. There are many reasons why California's state government is in such disrepair, but state measures that deny funds be drawn from certain revenue sources or commit funds to certain projects are among the most destructive. Voters usually don't know where the money's coming from. And then get angry when it's not there.

So, anyway, Prop. 21, despite my biased rejection of my own rule, gets bonus points.

To read how I came to my decisions on these state measures, click here.

The proposition results were predictable. Californians voted for measures that seemed to make basic sense, like changing the passage of a budget from 2/3rds majority to a simple majority and demanding that the folks who draw up legislative districts not be the legislators. But they also voted against anything that even appeared to either raise their taxes or gave the perception of Sacramento infringing on their localities, like their rejection of funding state parks, prohibiting the state from borrowing money from local governments and requiring that a 2/3rds majority be used to raise certain taxes. Predictable.

So predictable that Californians earn a C.

Other thoughts on the election ...
I watched the election results at the best environment for a political junkie: a newsroom.

The Press-Enterprise put on a streaming-live TV election show that mostly focused on local positions. Of course, I was writing up the local college sports stuff (the sports world doesn't break for an election, God damnit!) and compiling high school sports aget. But usually that building is pretty quite at night. Not last night though. It felt the way a newsroom should feel.

Plus, the Santa Ana River caught fire, so the whole building smelt like ash.

Mark Twain once said something like, "In California, you jump in the river and come out dusty." Yesterday, you jump in the river and you come out with third-degree burns.

Even though my eyes were watery watching the results -- brush fire ash will do that to you -- I'm not sad. Democrats had it coming. They deserved to lose the House. I'm just sorry the GOP is so incompetent.

But all in all, at least the teabagger tidal wave stopped at the Colorado River. Hell, even a moderate Republican -- at least by Alaskan standards -- may be elected for senator in Alaska. Americans are never as stupid as the news media portrays them to be ... unless they're also from Texas.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Legislator Who Can't Be Fired: My California Propositions Voting Guide

Since it may be of some interest to some, I put together this California propositions voting guide. I’ve followed the issues during this year’s election season and so hopefully this isn’t a completely incompetent rambling about what I think I think.

It’s funny that California has propositions. They’re awful things, really. I mean, the average citizen doesn’t know the scope and aim of what the budget should be, nor does he or she have access to the same information as state legislators and senators, or the time to spend researching these issues or the accountability that’s beholden to members, just look at the comments section at the bottom of any article on a newspaper’s website.

I believe we elect politicians -- however badly they suck -- to office for a reason. Citizens should not write tax law (Prop. 24), or approve new projects (like Prop. 23), or allocate funds for one project (like the high-speed railroad), or deny that funds from a specific tax revenue be raised (like property tax), or be allowed to deny rights to a minority group (like Prop. 8).

Basically, I think California propositions enable the anonymous ass holes who write slanderous comments on these newspaper websites to take control of government. And they can’t be unseated. Your dumbass next door neighbor and your roommate are lifelong legislators, tyrants in a way.

So, to avoid being just another anonymous voter, I’ve put together my propositions voting guide for the whole world wide web to see. These are decisions that I’m voting on that you -- California readers (your numbers are shrinking by the second) -- will have to live with, making me the tyrant, for better or worse. I’m not supporting candidates here, because they’ll have to answer for themselves for decisions that they’ll make on their own time (although, I will say that the God Damn San Francisco Giants may cost Gavin Newsom -- mayor of SF running for Lt. Governor -- my vote*).

*I'm a Dodger-blue Los Angeles Dodgers fan no matter the political season.

I’m worried about my own legislating here.

It’s the eve of the election so many of my stances on propositions were established long ago. But I had the day before the election -- November 1, 2010 -- off work to spend drinking coffee at Augie’s Coffee House in Redlands and research even the less sexy propositions.

First though, it should be said that I can’t stand most politic-ing. And I’m not an affiliate of a political party. Maybe it’s because I grew up in the thumb-your-nose at the establishment West, or maybe it’s just my nature no matter where I was from, but something seems dirty and oppressive about party affiliations.

Though, I acknowledge it’s something that will be around forever.

You will notice below that most of the positions I take are popular with Democrats. It’s unfortunate, I know, that those ass holes are in charge. But, unfortunately, the Republicans have not rebounded since their 2008 thumping. The GOP is either Tea Bagging all over itself or neglecting its responsibility as law makers as they watch the Democrats fail.

I was hoping after the 2008 election that some of them would articulate a plan to oppose the Democrats, but I’ve yet to really hear one.

Anyhow, here’s me working as your legislator (I’m excepting your check in the mail soon)*.

*Remember, these were written hastily one afternoon. Forgive poor writing or hodgesmodge blathering.

Prop. 19: No.

California has been the battle ground for many worthy causes. I’m proud that we’re a state that does what it can for its sick, advances the rights of gays and lesbians and is innovative in its approach toward energy and environmental issues.

We’re also the leader in the advancement of the legalization of marijuana.

11 other states have joined California in thumbing its nose at the federal government since the state legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes with Proposition 215 in 1996, which you should think would send a message to Congress that it’s high time its position on the issue be delegated to the state level.

But for all the good Proposition 215 has provided for California’s sick, it’s also created a legal mess as disorderly as Interstate 215.

Proposition 19 would only add to the mess, sort of like construction in San Bernardino on Interstate 215 added to that mess.

Proposition 215 made marijuana law in California confusing, making the enforcement of marijuana different from county to county. This is especially true for residents of San Bernardino County. Medicinal marijuana is legal in counties like Riverside and Los Angeles, but not San Bernardino.

Proposition 19 would further confuse the policies of municipal, county and state officials.

The LA Times said this of the proposition: “Proposition 19 is poorly thought out, badly crafted and replete with loopholes and contradictions.”

President Barack Obama’s drug czar Gil Kerlikowske does not enforce the federal policy when it comes to medicinal marijuana. But he has firmly stated that the administration will not condone marijuana’s legalization for recreational purposes. Whether you agree with the president’s policy or not is moot. There is no legal recourse to challenge federal authority on this issue. Gonzales v. Raich made it very clear that marijuana is a commerce issues, giving the federal government the power to legislate and enforce its policies, should it choose.

Proposition 19 may actually be a step backward for sick Californians. Folks who are actually sick and in pain may suffer should Kerlikowske enforce the federal law and close their dispensaries.

Proposition 20 and 27: Yes. No.

Vote yes on Proposition 20 and no on Proposition 27.

Hey, three propositions so far and here I am voting against the liberal consensus on both (although most democrats running for office -- or anyone who reads more than just the name and aims -- has come out against Prop. 19).

California voters should vote for Proposition 20 and against Proposition 27. George Skelton of the Los Angeles Times sums this one up pretty well:

Californians passed Prop. 11 in 2008 to strip from legislators the power to draw their own districts — meaning choose their own voters. The task was handed to an independent citizens commission. Prop. 20 would expand the reform to include congressional districts. Prop. 27 would scuttle the commission entirely and return self-interest gerrymandering to the Legislature.

Led by Rep. Howard Berman of Valley Village, Democratic House members want their legislative buddies to continue skewing districts in their favor because they fear reelection competition.

To continue reform, vote "yes" on Prop 20 and "no" on Prop. 27.

Most of California’s congress-members and state-level legislators are against this proposition, because it should shake up their safe seats. Republican districts are just as bad as Democrat districts. These safe seats are what make California’s politicians so much more polarized than its citizens.

It’s absurd that Riversiders share a congressperson with folks in San Clemente. Ken Calvert is not held accountable even though he’s one of the most corrupt members of Congress. This is true too of many California Democrats.

Proposition 21, Yes.

I like my state parks. And I probably spend more than $18 on state parks per year. Plus, there have been multiple occasions when I’ve wanted to spend the night in a state park -- thinking here specifically of Park El Captain -- but couldn’t because I didn’t have the money. This proposition would charge $18 more per year on car registration, but in exchange drivers with California license plates will be allowed to enter the parks for free.

So I’m voting yes on this one for a selfish reason, perhaps the most loathsome consequence of California’s propositions, making me a part of the problem. You should unseat me and strip me of my legislating power because I'm voting in a way that I said is fundamentally against the values that I set forth in the beginning.

But you can't.

Ehh ... moving on ...

Proposition 22: No.

I don’t know much about tax law, but I do know that he state is scrambling to close multibillion-dollar budget gaps nearly every year. Yes, you can say that it’s the problem of those ass-holes in Sacramento. And yes, you’d be right. But those sons-of-a-bitches don’t need their job to be made any harder.

The state needs flexibility to close this gap -- which you can also say Prop. 21 hampers, too.

But Prop. 21 helps state park, which are in serious damage. The passage of Prop. 22 would severally hamper the state’s ability to put together a budget.

The Sacramento Bee said this of Prop. 22: “A power play by cities and redevelopment agencies.”

Prop. 23: No.

Mostly, you’re going to hear this from folks who support the proposition, “The state’s global warming policy will drive jobs out of California.”

I don’t believe this is true, especially in the long term.

Yes, there is literature out there to suggest that the implementation of the Air Pollution Control Law will hamper businesses in California. But most reports don’t take into account jobs that have been created in the last 10 years by California’s green-energy industry. California is at the forefront of green-energy, suspending the implementation of the Air Pollution Control Law will be a step backward.

There’s so much to gain by continuing to explore and encourage the use of green energy. 20 to 30 years from now we may find California in a very advantageous position because of its innovative research. We’re competing with other countries, specifically Germany, in alternative energy options. When I studied in Germany a year ago, it was interesting that many of the folks I talked to loved to boast about how Germany was passing California -- as if California was its own nation -- in solar energy research.

This proposition is simply a mandate on whether the baby-boom generation cares an inkling about future generations. They probably don’t.

I think the fact that Prop. 23 is largely bankrolled by two Texas oil companies says it all.

Prop. 24: No

California’s tax law needs to be completely revamped. And, yes, passage of this proposition would create much needed revenue for the state. But this work should not be done through propositions. And, yes, California businesses could use a tax break.

Our lawmakers need to write tax law. It’s work for professionals. It’s why we elect folks. If it’s done through propositions, it’ll further muddy the patchwork job that California’s tax laws already are.

The Press-Enterprise says, “The tax breaks this measure would repeal do need fixing, but that is a job better left to legislative deliberation.”

Prop. 25 and 26: Yes. No.

I don’t understand opposition to Proposition 25 and support for Proposition 26 (25 gives the state legislature the ability to pass a budget with a simple majority vote instead of the super majority vote its needed for years. And 26, basically, nearly does the opposite, disallowing the legislature to raise fees and taxes without a supermajority). It just seems to make so much sense.

Year after year, the state’s assembly fails to pass a budget on time. Republicans argue that the two-thirds majority is its only weapon to combat rampant budget increases. If I was advising Republicans, I’d argue that passage of Proposition 25 will help their cause. Finally, Democrats can be held accountable for the state’s deficit. As it stands now, no one is held accountable. Democrats can point at the 2/3rds requirement as a standard that forces Republicans to take their share of the blame. No one wins, no one loses, the state stays messed up.

I’d also advise Republicans that there is a more effective way of stopping California Democrats: unseat them. The California Republican Party shouldn’t look anything like the National Republican party. It will not win social issues here -- Proposition 8 was an aberration. So Republicans must adjust in California and appeal to its citizens’ general distain for Washington and wasteful spending.

Plus, no other state uses the 2/3rds system.

It’s a really screwy way of doing business. Also, according to the Los Angeles Times, California’s credit rating takes a huge hit every time the budget comes in late, it being lowered to something of “Garbage status.”


Friends ... I hope we can still be friends ... despite my awful legislating ... finding common ground is cool ... so I encourage you to join me ... writing down your stance on these propositions ... your reasoning would be nice too ... hold yourself accountable during this election ...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I must have fallen asleep (and now I'm awake again)

The hairs on my cheeks are longer,
my finger nails are twice their size

and there is a large crane
towering over downtown in my hometown.

Fine things that I thought were fine
are not fine to me anymore. Young woman

look much too young, uninteresting and boring.
Booze sometimes seems fine

but sometimes it seems like the worst
like a train sitting idle in central Wichita.

I can see my-self now in Kansas, living quietly,
where I used to only see Los Angeles

or another major American city. They seem crowded,
like the hallways of my old high school.

The only things that keep me young now
are the California coastline and the California desert

and sometimes words arranged in the right order
will get me excited enough to read them straight

for hours a sitting. Blue is my color, but red
means passion and I'm no stranger, but

I must have fallen asleep, because I need
coffee, coffee cake and I have coffee eyes.

Redlands, CA

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Grandma and the Typhoon of Steel: A war narrative

On July 30 and 31, 2010, my cousin Rebecca and I interviewed our grandmother, Teruko Hiner, about our Okinawan family’s history.

Zamami Island

The Nation of Peace left my grandma, Teruko Hiner (Matayoshi).

So even though she left Okinawa for Los Angeles, California, in 1960, only to return sparingly over the next fifty years to visit her sister and nephew, grandma never left her home. It left her, disappearing into the clouds and memories of the most tolling battle in the most awful of wars.

Zamami was the island where grandma was born and raised. The island is a part of the Kamera Islands, which are a 35-mile boat ride away from Okinawa, but 350 miles from mainland Japan. When people ask if grandma has been to many of Japan’s great cities, she says no, because she hasn’t.

Grandma is not really Japanese. She’s Okinawan.

Visitors to Naha, Okinawa’s ancient capital, invariably will visit the Shurei Gate, a secondary entrance to Shuri Castle. The inscription on the gate is said to mean “Nation of Peace.” My grandmother said her early childhood on the island of Zamami was peaceful and that the island was a “happy place.” But when the Japanese and the Americans collided head-on there for nearly three months during 1945, that all changed.

As far as nations of people go, Okinawans are not Japanese. Okinawa was a popular stop on a trade route between Japan and China since the Fourteenth Century. According to American World War Two historian Robert Leckie in his book “Okinawa: The Last Battle of World War Two,” Okinawans originally resembled Japanese, but a migration of Malay, Chinese, Mongol and other races caused these people to take on shorter body types and rounder faces. During the times of migrations, Okinawa and its islands flourished. Its cultural intercourses with China, Japan and other Southeast Asia nations caused it to adopt a very superstitious form of Buddhism. Their religious practices included a mystical reverence for fire and hearth and worship of the bones of ancestors.

Okinawans kept the remains of ancestors in urns and placed these in a turtle shell shaped tomb made out of rocks. Grandma said that such a tomb for her family exists in Zamami. Many of these tombs though were violated by Japanese troops when they fortified them with machine guns and cannons. The Japanese thought the Okinawans were an inferior race of people and thought they’d be good for supplying the Imperial military with food. But the Japanese also accepted many Okinawans into the armed forces, especially as the war got desperate.

Even the Okinawan language was different. It is similar to Japanese, but neither tongue is recognizable to the other, sort of like English to German or Dutch, or Spanish to Italian.

Okinawa’s ancient history is a dichotomy of many Asian cultures and shifting alliances with Chinese, Mongolian and Japanese rulers. But, according to George H. Kerr in “Okinawa: The History of An Island People,” by the time Japan claimed Okinawa under the Emperor’s reign in 1879 its customs and dialects were odd, but not so odd and difficult to understand as the speech, dress, and customs of the Chinese. The similarities between Okinawan and Japanese culture were more abundant than were their differences, making Okinawan assimilation into the Japanese Imperial nation more seamless than any of the other lands the Japanese conquered, spurring many Okinawans, like grandma’s three brothers, to readily enlist in the Japanese army even though they were seen as second class citizens in the eyes of mainland Japanese. As the prestige of Tokyo grew, so too did Okinawan awe, respect and reverence for their Japanese lords.

But unlike Japan, Okinawa and its surrounding islands had always been peaceful and was one of the few places in the world that rarely saw fighting. According to Leckie, Okinawans were among the most docile people in the world. It was rare for Okinawans to have ever made and carried arms.

Grandma said that only about 2,000 people lived in Zamami before World War Two. She said that everyone in the village knew each other and helped each other. If a neighbor needed a vegetable or fish or anything, then they asked and usually received. She said you didn’t go into the village without saying high to people you met. According to a recent census, fewer than 1,000 people live on Zamami now.

Despite its cultural difference and its geographic location – Okinawa appears to be as close to Taiwan as it is to mainland Japan – by the time Grandma was born in 1934 Okinawa and its islands had been recognized as sovereign Japan. Its citizens had learned Japanese for a generation and the old Okinawan language was on the way toward dying out.

For the first ten years of grandma’s life, there was no electricity or modern commodities, including running water or toilet paper. The standard of living had been low in Okinawa and, according to Lechie, the Japanese had done nothing to raise it. Like most other families, hers had a well for water and bathing. They went to the restroom outside and used the large leaves from the sea hibiscus to wipe themselves.

The family house was a simple structure and grandma confirmed that it was like many of the other homes that were typical of the time in Okinawa – everyone in the family slept in the same room and there was a small space for boiling water and cooking rice. It was probably a lot like the house where Tomiko Higa grew up and described in her account of life during the battle of Okinawa, “The Girl with the White Flag.” This is how Higa described the house:

Our house had a thatched roof and was built in the traditional Okinawan farmhouse style. It faced east, and had a spacious earthen-floored entrance hall beyond which was a wooden-floored area that served as both living and dining room. Next to that was a room about twelve feet square that served as the bedroom for all of us. Unlike most houses in mainland Japan, each room had an outdoor entrance. The ceilings were high and the roof so thickly thatched that even at the height of summer it was cool at night. It was a pleasant house to live in.

Grandma’s father’s name was Kami Matayoshi and her mother’s name was Kama, they were both older folks when she was born. Kami was 50 years old and Kami was 46 and they had already had four children – three boys and a girl. Her father went out on a boat with other men and fished most days. Grandma collected sea turtle eggs, caught octopuses and ells and helped her mother tend to the family garden. Her father caught what they needed to eat and probably a little extra to trade on the main Okinawan Island, where they visited about once a month. Their garden included sweet potatoes, soy beans, rice and papaya and probably also included a form of tomatoes, other citrus trees, very likely banyan trees.

Children in Zamami went to school until they were about 12 years old and if they wanted to continue their education they had to attend high school on the main Okinawan island. There was also a university on the main Okinawan island. Grandma, her siblings and her parents never attended high school or the university.

Modern day Zamami’s economy is almost entirely dependent on tourism. Its clear waters are a scuba diver and snorkeler’s paradise. Grandma said it’s the clearest water she’s ever seen and compared to pictures online, it does appear to be as clear as water can be, much clearer than even the Florida Keys.

So for a very long time, Zamami, the Kamera Islands and Okinawa were peaceful, beautiful and quiet, but, Grandma said, they were very poor in the sense not having material things, especially the instruments necessary to conduct war. I think when she looks back at her family and her peoples’ situation, grandma is angry at how the Japanese made her peaceful island a battle ground.

The boys who fought

Kami and Kama Matayoshi’s boys, grandma’s brothers, were Sabuko, who was 23-years older than grandma, Shuiyayo, 13-years older, and Saiko, 7.

Sabuko and Shuiyayo were enlisted in the Japanese Imperial Navy. Grandma keeps there navy photos in an old wooden photo album. They were handsome boys, looking bravely into the camera. They wore blue navy uniforms. Short, almost no hair hid under sailor caps. The Japanese flag flew proudly in the background. Their hands were on a naval navigation compass.

Grandma’s family received notice that Shuiyayo died on a Japanese military ship off Taiwan. Sabuko never returned home and grandma’s family never saw him again. It was presumed that he died too.

Saiko was only 17 when the fighting came to Okinawa, but he had left the island to fight for the Japanese Imperial Army. Grandma doesn’t have a picture of Saiko. When he was drafted the Japanese Imperial military forces didn’t have time to mess around with any of the trivial, but important, formalities like taking pictures in military garb. He was just old enough to see fighting and die for his country.

Saiko never returned home and grandma’s family never saw him again. Like Sabuko, it was presumed that he died.

Why fighting came to the Nation of Peace

As the war in the Pacific dragged on, the military importance of controlling Okinawa and its islands was obvious. Grandma was 10 years old when the fighting came to Okinawa so she didn’t know what made Okinawa so important. She also said that she didn’t know in advance (or doesn’t remember that she knew) that the fighting was coming to Okinawa.

According to Higa, her father knew a year before the battle for Okinawa that the war was going poorly for the Japanese and that times may be very rough for Okinawans in the near future. So grandma’s father, Kami, likely knew similar facts.

Without divulging too deep into the American reasoning for the attack, here are the basic facts according to Leckie that led up to why Okinawa was invaded:

  • After victories in the Philippines and other Pacific islands, the American Commander of the Pacific Ocean Fleet (Admiral Ernest King) and the General of the Armies (Douglas MacArthur) were trying to decide whether their next move should be an attack on Japanese forces in Taiwan or Okinawa and Iwo Jima. Although many in the American military command wanted to swiftly aid the Chinese, it was decided that an invasion of Taiwan, where Japan had a very large land force, would be extremely costly in American lives. If the Americans tried to invade Taiwan it was estimated that the cost to American servicemen would be about 150,000 dead and wounded, which the American military leadership believed would be unacceptable to the American public.
  • Japan would be without a way to get to her oil sources in Borneo, Sumatra and Burma if Okinawa and Iwo Jima fell to the hands of the Americans. This would effectively sever the lifeblood of the Japanese war machine. Its fleets could not sail, her airplanes fly, her vehicles roll, nor her industries produce.
  • Perhaps just as important as clogging Japan’s oil routes, American control of Okinawa gave the Americans airfields to conduct air raids on just about anywhere still in control of Japanese Imperial forces, including the mainland and China.
  • An American victory in Okinawa would be the first American victory on Japanese sovereign soil. (More on this and its significance in the Matayoshi family history in a second.) It also would be the perfect area to launch an American invasion of the Japanese mainland. Some in the American military command called Okinawa the Pacific’s Great Brittan, as far as how Great Brittan was where Allied troops launched its invasion of Normandy.
  • For the Japanese, a victory in Okinawa was of the utmost importance. Japan had suffered bad defeats across the Pacific, including some foolhardy battles where some of its best aircraft and pilots were wasted in kamikaze attacks (Lieutenant General Mitsuru Ushijima, the chief Japanese commander in Okinawa, realized these mistakes and, while the battle of Okinawa saw some of the war’s most suicide attackers, used only his worst pilots and oldest and least effective planes for these attacks). The Americans had demanded that only unconditional surrender was an acceptable credence of defeat. The Japanese higher command reconciled that they could not regain the expansive Pacific empire it had acquired over the last 10 years, but thought that an authoritative Japanese victory at Okinawa, one that turned the American ships around and cost the Americans lives in the upper tens-of-thousands, might lessen the Americans’ demand to something lesser than surrender unconditional.

All the military planners and strategist on both sides knew that the battle of Okinawa was the linchpin that would break the Japanese back should they lose. And the Japanese were prepared to defend it at all costs.

The American navy mobilized the largest armada in naval-warfare history to combat the anticipated Japanese defense.

Grandma, though, didn’t know any of these conditions leading up to the battle of Okinawa, but they’re the facts that led to the largest land invasion of the war, surpassing even the Allied forces D-Day invasion of Normandy.

Grandma saw and felt it happen.

“Typhoon of steel”

One morning between October, 1944, and March, 1945, grandma said she woke up to find that American navy ships were sitting in the clear waters that surrounded Zamami. They didn’t go away. Soon thereafter the bombs fell and the ships’ cannons fired and the people of the Zamami Village were forced into hiding in the island’s caves.


Storms greater than any recorded in a thousand years of history were about to sweep across these frontier islands.

  • George H. Kerr “Okinawa: The History of an Island People”


The assault on Okinawa and its surrounding islands began months before the March and April invasion (American troops had taken the Kamera Islands during the last days of March, but the land invasion of Okinawa’s main island did not start until April 1).

On October 10, 1944, nearly 200 American navy planes bombed Naha, leveling Okinawa’s capital. A steady air assault continued for months. American bombs found their way to Zamami, leveling areas that appeared to the Americans to be pockets of Japanese military entrenchment. It is very likely these were the most hellish days of grandma’s life.


It seems that grandma and her family and perhaps many others on the island received strength and pragmatic thinking from grandma’s father, Kami Matayoshi. During the months between the start of the American air assault and invasion of her island, grandma said after people died their relatives would leave them gifts and often these gifts included scarce rations of food.

But grandma’s father told his family that if he were to die not to leave him gifts, because “dead people don’t eat anything.”

Grandma said that the food left for dead relatives only rotted.

Grandma also asked her father if he believed in a lot of the superstitious elements of the Okinawan religion. He said that he didn’t, but that “if you believe it, then it’s true, if you don’t then it’s not.”


Gardening was difficult and fishing was impossible with the American bombs falling and the navy fleet controlling the waters. So grandma’s family found food however they could.

Occasionally the bodies of American service men floated ashore; likely a sailor or a Marine who had fallen victim to a Japanese kamikaze air or suicide-boat attack. The first time grandma saw canned food was when she found some on the body of an American.


American Marines landed on Zamami on the night of March 26, 1945. According to the U.S. Army’s history of the battle, four battalion landing teams made the first landings in the Kerama Islands in the morning.


It is difficult to get grandma to talk about her wartime experience. She tends to jump from one subject to another. It is also difficult for her to create a fluid and lucid narrative of the events in March and April 1945. Some of it may be unrecoverable, because of the atrocity of the events. And some of it may simply be because she has a limited vocabulary in English. She seems more secure relating events if there are pictures to aid her.

She’d much rather talk about the family she raised in America than her life in Japan. She has pictures to aid her when she talks about her children and grandchildren and she’s very proud of everything her family’s accomplished. It is a much better chapter of her life.

But she does get emotional when she talks about war, tears swell in her eyes.

The following two stories are not facts that Rebecca and I learned in our interview, but stories that we heard over the years from our mothers and uncles that grandma neither confirmed nor denied for us. I don’t know if these events happened before or during the invasion of Zamami in March 1945. It is with some hesitance that I note these two events before confirming them with grandma. But they have been told repeated in our family, so, despite my journalistic hesitance, I will note them here because they’re an important part of the narrative and even if it turns out they’re not true, these two stories resinate deeply as myths. And sometimes myths are more important than the truth anyway:

  • In what must have been the months between when the American’s started their naval aviation assault and the invasion, Grandma and one of her childhood friends were playing in somewhere on the island when bombs started to go off. When they returned to her friend’s family home, it had been destroyed by an American bomb and her friend’s family was all found dead.
  • During these months her father was probably not able to fish for food and the Matayoshi family became desperate. They became so desperate that they ate the family dog. Grandma didn’t know they ate the dog until after they finished the meal and the dog was nowhere to be found.


The following excerpts are parts of the U.S. Army’s history of the battle of Okinawa that pertain to its seizure of Zamami. I’ve included the relevant parts rather than paraphrasing them because they tell an interesting narrative of what happened around grandma during those wretched days:

At 0900 (9 a.m.) on 26 March the 1st BLT of the 305th invaded Zamami, initially meeting little resistance. A two-legged, humpbacked island, approximately 5,500 yards long east-west and 400 yards at its narrowest point, Zamami is formed, except for a few low flat areas along the southern coast, by a group of wooded hills which rise about 450 feet. Amtracks (amphibious troop transporters) carried the troops ashore in a deep bay that cuts into the southern coast. A sea wall fifteen feet from the water’s edge held up the amtracks and forced the men to continue by foot. The assault elements received sporadic mortar and sniper fire until they reached the town of Zamami, just to the rear of the beach. Then a group of Japanese estimated to be of company strength, together with about 300 Korean laborers, fled north from the town to the hills.

On both Aka and Zamami the invading forces met stiffer resistance as they pressed up the steep slopes into the interior of the islands.

On Zamami advance elements of the 1st BLT of the 305th pushed up into the high ground during the afternoon without closing with the enemy. From midnight until dawn of the next day, however, groups of Japanese armed with rifles, pistols, and sabers tried to break into the American perimeters near the beach. Company C bore the brunt of the attack, repulsing nine local thrusts supported by automatic weapons and mortars. One American machine gun changed hands several times. In a series of night fire fights that at times developed into savage hand-to-hand combat, the 1st Battalion killed more than 100 of the enemy at a cost of 7 Americans killed and 12 wounded.

On [the morning] of 27 March … [F]itful action was still in process on Aka and Zamami … On Zamami patrols of company size reconnoitered the island and eliminated scattered groups of the enemy. One organized position was located but could not be assaulted until the following day, when amtracks blasted frontally the caves where the last Japanese to be found were dug in.

By the evening of 29 March all islands in the Kerama Retro were in American hands


Three days after Marines landed in the Kamera Islands they found many woman and children dead who had been disemboweled by grenades that the Japanese military had given them. The Japanese military ordered civilians to kill themselves, telling them the Americans would torture and murder the men and rape the women.

The U.S. Army history tells of a tragic scene at Tokashiki; an island that neighbors Zamami:

28 March… troops … heard explosions and screams of pain in the distance. In the morning they found a small valley littered with more than 150 dead and dying Japanese, most of them civilians. Fathers had systematically throttled each member of their families and then disemboweled themselves with knives or hand grenades. Under one blanket lay a father, two small children, a grandfather, and a grandmother, all strangled by cloth ropes. Soldiers and medics did what they could. The natives, who had been told the invading “barbarians” would kill and rape, watched with amazement as the Americans provided food and medical care; and an old man who had killed his daughter wept in bitter remorse.

Grandma tried to tell a story about how American troops had attempted to save someone – a cousin, uncle or aunt, maybe – who had had their throat cut. She said the troops, upon finding the dying person, stuck tubes (perhaps oxygen tubes) down their throat and into their lungs. But grandma was not clear and was already quite emotional. She quickly changed the subject before finishing the story. It seemed the person died.


To this day, there is an ongoing controversy between the local Okinawan government and the Japanese national government as to how much involvement the Japanese Imperial armies had in aiding and rewarding families for killing themselves (according to the Japan Times, 110,000 Okinawans protested the Japanese Ministry of Education in 2007 for its approval and endorsement of history books that downplayed the Imperial army’s role in suicide persuasion and aid. It was the largest political protest in Okinawan history to date.).


Grandma said that when the Americans landed on the island her family was forced into the island’s natural caves. They probably spent three days there.


By the time it became apparent the Americans were going to take Zamami, grandma said the village was split into a few caves. Grandma and her family were not with all their many aunts, uncles and cousins. She said that after the battle she found that many members of her extended family had taken poison pills and that some of the men had slit their families’ throats.

She did not mention grenade detonation as a form of suicide, but they very well could have perished that way too.

“He was smart and hard working”

Kami Matayoshi ultimately decided to surrender to the Americans and not kill his family, probably with the hope that they may someday find peace. Perhaps he thought this was worth betting against the odds of torture, murder and rape that the Japanese Imperial Military warned.

Sometime between March 26 and 29, Kami Matayoshi took off the white pair of knickers he was wearing, put it on a stick and walked out of the cave he and his family had been living in and surrendered to the Americans. According to grandma, over 200 of his fellow villagers followed him out of the caves (a little under 2,000 people had lived on the island when grandma was young, so 200 was already 10-percent of that population, but like grandma’s brothers many had already left to fight in the war and even more still had decided at that point to take their lives and the lives of their families. The 200 who followed Kami Matayoshi must have been most of the remaining survivors who chose to live).

I asked grandma if her father held a special leadership position on the island. She said that he didn’t. He was just a fisherman who supported his family and that was it.

“He was smart,” Grandma said of her father, “and hard working.”

Kami Matayoshi’s surrendering of Zamami was significant, of course, because the choice to live, rather than die, and the action of forsaking pride and taking the white knickers off and surrendering to the Americans saved grandma and many others lives. So I suppose I wouldn’t be here, typing away late at night, if it wasn’t for Kami Matayoshi’s courage.

In a subsequent conversation with grandma I’ll have to ask her how long she suffered in the cave, because her father’s surrender may also be significant in a trivial sort of way. Zamami and her sister Karmera Islands were the first parts of sovereign Japanese soil surrendered to the Americans. Most of the civilians on the island surrendered by March 29, but some, mostly military personnel, refrained from surrender until days, or weeks later. One Japanese military commander held out in the caves of neighboring Tokashiki until after it was relayed to him that the Japanese Emperor ordered an end to hostilities months later (the Americans didn’t bother coming after his small brigade, since they agreed not to exchange fire). Back to the point of Kami Matayoshi’s surrender, American military records say that on March 28 a group of 300 Korean laborers came out of Zamami’s caves and surrendered under a white flag. But it makes me wonder if perhaps the American military history, which was based on notes taken by leaders of BLT divisions, may be wrong. Perhaps this surrender, which was giving just a single sentence in the military history, was actually Kami Matayoshi’s surrender. And the reason this is significant is because if Zamami, a sovereign part of Japan, was in fact surrendered by grandma’s father, my mother’s grandfather, my great-grandfather, it then was not surrendered by a Japanese general, admiral or member of the Emperor’s family. No, the first sovereign part of Japan was surrendered by Kami Matayoshi, an Okinawan fisherman and gardener.


I asked grandma this question: “What gave your father the courage to live?”

I thought he must have had some reason for wanting to live, a reason to doubt the sure-minded Japanese Imperial Military’s brainwashing propaganda. He must have thought life was worth living no matter the conditions and that they would find a way to survive in an uncertain future.

But grandma said the reason he left the cave and surrendered to the Americans was because “he was tired of living in a cave.”

Her answer seemed a little off color. I guess I expected something profound, something about the value of life or some bullshit like that. But it was probably that simple. While others were killing themselves rather than leaving the cave to surrender to the Americans for what they thought would lead to certain pain and suffering, Kami Matayoshi decided that, first, life was worth living, and second, whatever life was like under American martial law couldn’t be worse than life in the cave.

According to Higa, the caves smelled of dead corpses and human feces. There was not much water. Generally someone had to risk their life to make a water-run, which also risked giving up the cave’s position. Food was scarce. It was dark and the air was thick, wounded soldiers moaned and hungry children cried. They lived in constant fear.


Still, facing the prospects of torture, murder and rape, I thought there must be a reason why Kami Matayoshi decided to surrender on Zamami.

Reflecting on our conversation with grandma, I find it interesting that she said sometimes, when the rhythm of bombings must have stopped and American planes weren’t flying overhead, she’d go down to the ocean shore and find food that the Americans had thrown off the ships or lost overboard and washed to the Zamami shore.

It makes me think that perhaps Kami Matayoshi, knowing the Americans were providing some life sustaining food, thought that the Americans had compassion and was not the barbaric creatures the Japanese Imperial Military made them out to be.

Perhaps, also, he did not trust the Japanese Imperials who had already taken three sons from him. Kami Matayoshi was sixty when the war came to Okinawa, so he may have been among the elders who remembered the older generations who were more politically and culturally autonomous from Japan. Perhaps for these reasons he never fully trusted the Japanese Imperial voices and, therefore, didn’t trust their prescription of death.

And the battle waged on

After Zamami fell in late March, the Kamera Islands were used by the American forces for its seaports to launch bombing missions during the battle of Okinawa.

The Americans also found over 300 flimsily-made boats fortified with explosives hidden throughout the Kamera Islands. This was a surprise to the Americans, who didn’t expect to find these suicide vessels. According to the U.S. Army history, the Japanese planned to launch these boats during the American assault on the main Okinawan island, hoping to pierce holes in the American navy armada.


The battle of Okinawa lasted 81 days after grandma’s island was invaded. In this respect, grandma was lucky the Americans chose to invade Zamami early in the battle. summed up the battle best:

Okinawa was the largest amphibious invasion of the Pacific campaign and the last major campaign of the Pacific War. More ships were used, more troops put ashore, more supplies transported, more bombs dropped, more naval guns fired against shore targets than any other operation in the Pacific. More people died during the Battle of Okinawa than all those killed during the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Casualties totaled more than 38,000 Americans wounded and 12,000 killed or missing, more than 107,000 Japanese and Okinawan conscripts killed, and perhaps 100,000 Okinawan civilians who perished in the battle.

Life after war

With this storm of fire and thunder of guns, the story of the old kingdom and the modern province came to an end. The Ryukyu Islands and the Okinawan people passed under American control. A new chapter of Okinawan history had begun.


It sounds like Grandma and her fellow villagers experienced great culture shock immediately following the American seizure of Zamami. Their diet drastically changed, eating canned food almost exclusively as the Americans fed the island’s refuges while the battle in Okinawa waged on. Grandma said that the foods contained in metal containers seemed so strange at first.

To grandma, the Americans were these strange, round-eyed, pale-skinned creatures. Higa said she found fascinating the rosy cheeks of the U.S. Army historian photographers who took pictures of her carrying a white flag. There were also horrible things that the Japanese government told the population about American Americans, comparing them to something less than humans. So seeing these people must have been a shock to grandma.

There was also a foreign language to deal with. Grandma probably never heard English or any of the western languages when the Americans arrived. She said that the children of the island gathered around the American soldiers during the first few days after they arrived and learned a song. The soldiers taught the children a Louisiana folk song: “You are my Sunshine.” Grandma still knows the song’s chorus and its cheery melody:

You are my Sunshine,

My only sunshine.

You make me happy

When skies are grey.

You’ll never know, dear,

How much I love you.

Please don’t take my sunshine away.

Grandma’s noble sister

Grandma has pictures of her sister Mishi, who was 20 years older than her. Two are black and white pictures that have turned yellow and brown of Mishi holding my Aunt Mary as a newborn in Okinawa. The other is a colored picture of a much older Mishi standing on a building top in a city, perhaps Naha, with her son Yoshimitu.

In the first two pictures, Mishi looks lovingly at Mary. In the third picture, she and Yoshimitu strike endearing poses. If looks can say anything, Mishi looked to be a wise and even noble woman. She looked both gentle and stern at the same time. Her face has a very mother-like quality.

Since both of grandma’s parents were old, Mishi performed a lot of the motherly duties for grandma after the war. After the war, Mishi was 30 and grandma was 10.

Meeting Frank Phillip Hiner III

Grandma received a job serving food to the U.S. servicemen in the mess hall at the U.S. military base on Okinawa. This is where she met my grandfather, Frank Phillip Hiner III.

She has a picture of her in her work uniform. In the picture she sits with two of her friends from work. It’s odd to think they lived through the largest land invasion and naval assault in World War Two. At the age of 20-something, they look as young, pretty and mischievous as any young person.

The morning news was on the television for a little while when Rebecca and I talked to grandma. The news person said that Chelsea Clinton’s wedding cost $5-million.

“$5-million!” Grandma said, shaking her head. “My god, that’s too much.”

I asked her how much her wedding cost.

She said: “A dollar.”

Soon thereafter, she came to America with her American husband and two daughters.