Tuesday, March 27, 2012

An Economic Breach

Contracts class was cancelled this morning,
so I took my coffee to the porch, where
I smoked fine North Carolinian tobacco
out of a hand-made maple pipe and watched

the sun rise over the cement factory, a train
rolled by, tooting its horn -- a 19th Century
industrialist would stare at this site in marvel,
finding a certain beauty in American industry, but

now . . . hell, even now there's a certain beauty
in the way the sun reflects off those metal chimneys . . .
a bird builds her nest in a tree in the front yard
and the children hustle down the street headed

for school, and I guess I should too for a meeting
of the minds. But this exchange of time in class
for time on the porch was time well spent. Now,
that's consideration.


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