Thursday, March 29, 2012

What Warsaw to Oaxaca means to me

A Mexican family of five stands outside of the Catholic Diocese
talking to a Nun. She looks pleasantly at the Young Child; these
are My kin, She may think to herself. And I think this is true, from

Warsaw, resisting the Communist regime into the 1990s, to Ireland,
resisting British oppression for centuries, and all the way to Raleigh,
resisting popular hypocrisy and those ideas turned into laws to turn

the Mexican family of five, who only wanted to be as American
as they can be, away and back to Mexico; but they're My kin, the Catholic
Nun thinks (She is holy if She thinks this, and I think She is holy); they're looking

for the Lord, the Protector of freedom for some, who is most truly understood
by those like the Mexican family of five, for they know the Hero's journey,
like a Buddha, like a Yogi, like a Christ, and like a Trucker, trying to find

His way home; This is home -- Brothers and Sister.

Raleigh, NC

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