Sunday, March 25, 2012

Talking to D-Bob's Poem

Talking to my California Hat Band bandmate Dylan Freude's award-winning 2010 poem "Catechism in Lord Dear."

What is it about peanuts,
cotton, dogwood, pine needles,
magnolias, and sweet tea

(The lovers sat quietly,
but the porch light is turned off
as I return with beers, they're

not so quiet) that makes rain
-- plat, splat, clat -- seem so much
like an Iowa sunrise

in early June, light shining
over modest-breasts-like hills
and corn fields to Des Moines?

(Because, if You said I Am,
I'd say, I Am, too. If you
said, I hear church bells ringing

I'd say, I hear church bells ring
ring ring ring ring ring ring
ringing! From those modest hills

to the Carolina ocean,
I'd hear those bells ringing, but
the lovers and the flowers, too!)

When the music pours out doors,
trumpet goes, a woman cries,
law books read, some coffee

drank, crescent moon shines through clouds
and it's the Sunday before
Easter, you can tell, the street

is washed clean -- pagans chose
holidays so well -- and I'll
then, maybe, try to answer

your question (but I'll be more
sure tomorrow as desert
tortoises grow older, I Am,

Raleigh, NC

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